Friday, December 11, 2015


Parker loves walking

crawling to knock down the pins
Its potty time
The Ronald McDonald house hospitality was humbling

Santa even found us at the Ronald House

Wednesday marked the half way point of Parker's school. We finish a week from today. Things are going beyond what we expected. We are having so much fun, learning tons, and playing so hard. I am learning what Parker is doing, and what she is capable of doing, is nothing shy of miraculous.  Although therapy for three hours a day Monday through Friday  for a 1 year old is no easy task. Both of us girls have had our share of tears, wining, and times of frustration and exhaustion. When I am falling to anxiety and insecurities, I find the moments where I feel the faith, love, support, and prayers of others around me like a blanket of rejuvenation and hope. Like an added measure of love from the Savior.  Peace, knowing the Lord is aware of me and the little family I have stewardship to. Aware of the motherly mantle every mother frets to fill for her children.
I am so grateful for caring therapists who think about Parker beyond the moment we walk out their door.
This experience is one I would never trade. So blessed to have a mom and family who make the best cheerleaders!
-The Vrouw

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