Today is awareness day for disorders of the corpus callosum(DCC)...In October of 2015 was the first time I heard the phrase “agenesis of corpus callosum” and Parker Ann together in the same sentence. That was the day our daughter was diagnosed with a rare brain malformation. At the time it was one of those take your breath away moments, but in the way that leaves your gut twisted up. There were so many unknowns, fears, questions, and a luring sense of helplessness that seemed like a cloudy film projected over our lives leaving us, well, distorted...

Located In the middle of the brain, the corpus callusom is the "bridge" that sends communication between the left and right hemispheres. When the Corpus Collusom is absent for someone like Parker Ann, it makes all motor, cognitive, etc. functions difficult. July 2nd was chosen as DCC awareness day because it is the midway point in the calendar year. Awareness of DCC means to me better hope for the future. Better research, better treatments, and better experiences for people who make up the DCC family.
Link for more info about DCC
#DCC #ACC #wearingblue #july2nd #DCCawarenessday